Be Free Of Packaging Restrictions - Be In Control

My name is Agne and with the help of my other two partners in crime of A Team (my husband Ashish and Daughter Amelia (4,5)) we dove into the world of sustainable and zero waste product choices and are bringing them to your kitchen table. (first to start in Basingstoke since November 2020)
Whom am I kidding? it is mostly me ;)
However, you will soon see more cooking tips from Ashish as he is the expert on all the delicious food and the spice mixes and even some homemade beauty tips!
We both come from home backgrounds where 'Zero waste' choices were not a buzz word, but just the normal way of living. Food waste was unheard of! My family has always grown our own food, we have a ridiculous amount of apple trees, but they are all delicious!
With the hope to keep up family traditions, we have got ourselves an allotment and we will be sharing tips about growing your own with time too.
I personally love tea and drank loose leaves all my life, hence you will see an increasing collection of it ;)
I am also a lover of old things, they tell a story and can be one of a kind and beautiful. With some TLC it does marry brilliantly with the new, how I do that you can see on my Instagram account @loveremade
I am interested in a lot of things as you can see and will be starting a blog to share a lot of those interests with you. Hope you will join us on this journey and together we can make choices not just to help us live better and more natural lives, but to help the planet too. It all starts with our kitchen table ;)
Thank you for being here!
FillThemUp family